Bodybuilder Deaths Caused By Steroids

Death of bodybuilder Rich Piana Richard Eugene Piana, which also known as Rich Piana, was an American bodybuilder and businessman. He won the International Federation of Bodybuilders Mr. Teen California title in 1989, IFBB Mr. California in 1998 and National Physique Committee competitions in 2003 and 2009. He had his own nutrition product line called Rich … Continue reading Bodybuilder Deaths Caused By Steroids

Individuals Who Should Not Take Steroids

source:  Allergies  Individuals who have any unusual or allergic reaction to medicines in this group or any other medicines. This group of people needs to consult health care professionals if they want to consume steroids. For a better outcome, this group of individuals are not advised to take any kind of steroids. Pediatric  For pediatric … Continue reading Individuals Who Should Not Take Steroids

Comparison of Natural vs Steroid Use

source: The study This 10 week study took a group of 43 men of normal body weight between the ages of 19 and 40 who all had some degree of weight training experience. These men were then split up into 4 different groups: Group 1did NOT do any form of exercise, and did NOT receive any form … Continue reading Comparison of Natural vs Steroid Use

Prices of Steroids In Different Countries

source: The price of steroids in the UK is the only one available online. Below is the price of steroids in UK: Cost of Injectable Steroids Testosterone Enanthate 25 amps – £110-130 Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml 10ml vial – £40-50 25 amps – £110-130 Cost of Oral Steroids Anavar 100 (20mg) tablets £150-175 Dianabol 1000 (5mg) … Continue reading Prices of Steroids In Different Countries

Athletes Caught and Banned From The Fitness Industry

Rising rugby star banned for six years for steroid abuse says it's too painful to watch the game he used to love   source: Andrew Burne, New Zealand rugby player was banned at the end of 2015 for 6 years due to steroids abuse. He was a Hawke’s Bay boy, born and raised on stories … Continue reading Athletes Caught and Banned From The Fitness Industry

Disadvantages of Taking Steroids

There are many disadvantages of taking steroids as we know. Steroids will bring quite a number of bad effects to our body. For men who consume steroids for a long period of time, they will develop breasts which is known as man boobs. Besides that, they also get painful erections and have their testicles shrink. … Continue reading Disadvantages of Taking Steroids

Types Of Steroids Orally Ingested By Athletes

It is pretty fast to see the outcome with orally ingested steroids for athletes. Most athletes take anabolic steroids before their competition as it is easy to dilute the concentration mixed with diuretics in order to escape doping.   source: Types of Orally Ingested Winstrol and Dianabol are popular as it enhances performance and … Continue reading Types Of Steroids Orally Ingested By Athletes

Types Of Steroid Creams Used By Athletes

Steroid creams are pretty rare and it is mostly used to heal skin rashes. In professional sports, it is illegal to take performance enhancement drug as it is a form of cheating. This should serve as a warning to prospective athletes who contemplate steroid use. source:   Types of Steroid Creams Used by Athletes … Continue reading Types Of Steroid Creams Used By Athletes

Types of Steroids Orally Ingested By Bodybuilders.

Orally ingested steroids are steroids which are sold in tablet form. These tablets are usually unlike the steroids that need to be injected. Although orally ingested steroids take time to be digested, the dosages may be higher compared to other types as it is more concentrated. source: Types of Oral Anabolic Steroids The few … Continue reading Types of Steroids Orally Ingested By Bodybuilders.

Which Industries Earn More? Natural Supplements or Steroids?

Well, the obvious answer is the natural supplements industry earns more than  the steroids industry. The reason being not everyone uses steroids as steroid users are usually competitive bodybuilders. WHEY VS STEROID source: Many people consume natural supplements upon beginning their fitness journey as they need additional protein for muscle growth and recovery. Therefore many … Continue reading Which Industries Earn More? Natural Supplements or Steroids?