Comparison of Natural vs Steroid Use

Comparison of natural vs steroid users 1source:

The study

This 10 week study took a group of 43 men of normal body weight between the ages of 19 and 40 who all had some degree of weight training experience. These men were then split up into 4 different groups:

  • Group 1did NOT do any form of exercise, and did NOT receive any form of steroids or drugs. (Natural guys doing no weight training.)
  • Group 2did NOT do any form of exercise, but they received weekly injections of 600 mg of testosterone enanthate. (Drug users doing no weight training.)
  • Group 3DID exercise, but they did NOT receive any form of steroids or drugs. (Natural guys doing weight training.)
  • Group 4DID exercise, and they also received weekly injections of 600 mg of testosterone enanthate. (Drug users doing weight training.)

All of their diets (calorie intake, protein intake, nutrient intake, etc.) were standardized according to each person’s body weight, recorded, verified and adjusted when needed.

Comparison of natural vs steroid users 2source:


The Results

So… guess what happened?

  • Group 1(no exercise, natural) experienced no significant changes. No surprise there.
  • Group 2(no exercise, drug use) was able to build about 7 pounds of muscle. That’s not a typo. The group receiving testosterone injections and NOT working out at all gained 7 pounds of muscle.
  • Group 3(exercise, natural) was able to build about 4 pounds of muscle.
  • Group 4(exercise, drug use) was able to build about 13 pounds of muscle.


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