Individuals Who Should Not Take Steroids

Individual who should not take steroids 2source:


Individuals who have any unusual or allergic reaction to medicines in this group or any other medicines. This group of people needs to consult health care professionals if they want to consume steroids. For a better outcome, this group of individuals are not advised to take any kind of steroids.


For pediatric patients, anabolic steroids should be used with caution. This is because this medicine may cause children to stop growing or slow down their bone growth. Besides, it may makes male children to develop too fast sexually and cause male-like changes in female children.


If male patients are treated with anabolic steroids, it may increase the risk of enlarged prostate or cancer of the prostate.

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Pregnant women should not use anabolic steroids. This may cause the development of male features in the female fetus and premature growth and development of male features in the male fetus.


For women who are breastfeeding their child should also not take any anabolic steroid. This is due to not known whether anabolic steroids pass into breast milk.

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