Disadvantages of Taking Steroids

There are many disadvantages of taking steroids as we know. Steroids will bring quite a number of bad effects to our body. For men who consume steroids for a long period of time, they will develop breasts which is known as man boobs. Besides that, they also get painful erections and have their testicles shrink. … Continue reading Disadvantages of Taking Steroids

What Are The Advantages of Using Steroids?

There are many advantages of taking anabolic steroids, this is the reason why many bodybuilders and athletes are willing to take the risk of consuming it to improve themselves. source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/616289530231921737/ Increased Muscle Strength One of the advantages of taking steroids is increased muscle strength. It is scientifically proven to help in increasing muscle strength … Continue reading What Are The Advantages of Using Steroids?