Bodybuilder Deaths Caused By Steroids

Death of bodybuilder Rich Piana Richard Eugene Piana, which also known as Rich Piana, was an American bodybuilder and businessman. He won the International Federation of Bodybuilders Mr. Teen California title in 1989, IFBB Mr. California in 1998 and National Physique Committee competitions in 2003 and 2009. He had his own nutrition product line called Rich … Continue reading Bodybuilder Deaths Caused By Steroids

Individuals Who Should Not Take Steroids

source:  Allergies  Individuals who have any unusual or allergic reaction to medicines in this group or any other medicines. This group of people needs to consult health care professionals if they want to consume steroids. For a better outcome, this group of individuals are not advised to take any kind of steroids. Pediatric  For pediatric … Continue reading Individuals Who Should Not Take Steroids

Which Industries Earn More? Natural Supplements or Steroids?

Well, the obvious answer is the natural supplements industry earns more than  the steroids industry. The reason being not everyone uses steroids as steroid users are usually competitive bodybuilders. WHEY VS STEROID source: Many people consume natural supplements upon beginning their fitness journey as they need additional protein for muscle growth and recovery. Therefore many … Continue reading Which Industries Earn More? Natural Supplements or Steroids?

Should Steroid Use Be Considered Cheating

Some people may think that steroid users are cheating whereas some think steroid use is just and fair. However in my opinion, steroid use for bodybuilders is not considered cheating as you hard work is still required in getting the results. On another hand, steroid use in sports is considered cheating because it is not … Continue reading Should Steroid Use Be Considered Cheating

Is It A Must To Continue A Steroid Cycle Once You Begin?

One of the common questions asked by the general public is whether you can maintain your body’s muscular shape and physical gains once weaned off steroids. The answer is it is not scientifically proven as it depends on each individual’s genetics. It is not compulsory to continue the steroids cycle if you are satisfied with … Continue reading Is It A Must To Continue A Steroid Cycle Once You Begin?

Are Steroids Addictive?

source: Many people may think that anabolic steroids can be addictive as it is a drug. As such, it will cause confusion among all the people who lack knowledge about it. Anabolic steroids don’t cause addiction as it is not the same as other drugs. Therefore, many bodybuilders and athletes abuse anabolic steroids to … Continue reading Are Steroids Addictive?