Introduction of Steroids

What are Steroids? Talking about steroids, everyone will think that steroids often mean illegal anabolic steroids. It is mainly consumed by bodybuilders to build muscles and increase strength in a short period of time. However, steroids can be received by athletes as well to enhance their performance. Steroids are artificially produced hormones that are the … Continue reading Introduction of Steroids

Evolution of Steroid Use

Evolution of Steroid Use Part 1 As the 1970’s were the Golden Era of bodybuilding, it was natural that the pursuit for aesthetics began along with the rise in popularity of steroid usage. However, it was a topic not commonly discussed in public as it was and still is seen as taboo in the fitness … Continue reading Evolution of Steroid Use

Revolution of Steroid Use

Revolution of Steroid Use Part 1 As humans are creatures that are competitive in their natural habitat, it was only a matter of time for the performance enhancement substance known as steroids to be created and used. Source: The earliest case of steroid usage can be recorded in the year 1860, where  Dutch swimmers … Continue reading Revolution of Steroid Use